What to consider when setting up a desk space from home

    Are you working from home as a part of your company’s drive to help reduce the transmission of the virus that has swept across the world, or perhaps have you decided to set up your own business and you want space away from your domestic life? Well setting up a working space from home can be challenging but also incredibly rewarding when you get the space looking just as you wanted.

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    Here are a few things that you might want to think about when setting out to create a working desk space from your home.

    Location – choosing the right area in your home will have an impact both on your ability to complete your work to the best of your ability without being distracted and also on your homelife. It is important that you demarcate this area even if it is with a simple room divider. The reason this is important is to make sure that your work life does not blend into your home life. It can be tempting to check your email late at night or on the weekends

    Furniture – the furniture that you have in your office space needs to be functional as well as reflect who you are as a person and the type of work that you do. Picking the right desk will set the tone for how you work and it is important that you think about the amount of time that you will be spending at your desk and the ways in which you can ensure that the health and mobility of your back and neck areas are not compromised. You can Find out more about Next-Day delivery desks online and pick a solution that will work for the space that you have available to you as well the requirements that you have for the type of work that you do.

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    Lighting – the lighting in your office can have an impact on your ability to concentrate and if the lighting levels are poor you can find that this leads to eye strain. If you can position yourself so that for most of your working day you can work with natural light you will find that this has a positive effect on your work. Of course, if this is not a possibility you could use a natural light bulb in your room instead.

    Storage – in order to make sure that you aren’t constantly surrounded by work files and papers you should think about having some storage in your work area. This could be a filing cabinet or a cupboard with shelving that you can close the door on at the end of the day so that you are not looking at your work files and thinking about any deadlines that you have coming up when you should be relaxing in the evening instead.


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